Brand Name:
Luminous Naturals (primary logo prominently displayed).
Product Name:
Avocado Organic Hand Moisturizer (clear and descriptive, secondary emphasis below the brand name).
“Nourish & Hydrate Naturally”
OR “Deep Moisture, Naturally Radiant Hands”.
Hero Ingredient Visual:
A subtle, clean illustration or image of an avocado slice or leaf to highlight the hero ingredient.
Key Features (Icons or Text):
100% Organic
Dermatologist Tested
(Use small icons or text for these under the product name.)

Color Palette for Packaging:
Incorporate soft greens (inspired by avocados), off-white/cream for the background, and gold or earthy brown accents for a luxurious yet natural feel.
Callout Statement: (Optional)
 “Infused with Organic Avocado Oil for Deep Hydration.”
Visual Hierarchy:
The brand name and product name should be the most noticeable.
Secondary focus on the hero ingredient and features (e.g., organic, cruelty-free).
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